Welcome to the Licensure Inquiry System of Texas (LIST) for physician applicants. LIST is an online communication system for messages to and from the Board regarding your application requirements. Please review and accept the LIST Agreement below to gain access to your account.

Licensure Inquiry System of Texas (LIST) Agreement
I UNDERSTAND that the License Inquiry System of Texas (LIST) is an online communication system for messages to and from the Board regarding my application. I further understand that it can be accessed at http://list.tmb.state.tx.us/ by means of my personal username and password.

I UNDERSTAND that my account contains confidential information about my application for licensure and that if I disclose my user name and password to other parties, those parties will have access to that confidential information. I further understand that by providing my user name and password to other parties, I am authorizing those parties to use the LIST system on my behalf.

I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that, if I am not the applicant for licensure, I have been authorized to access LIST on behalf of the applicant for physician licensure to whom the user name and password belong. I further agree that I will clearly identify myself in any messages posted in LIST on the applicant's behalf.

I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that LIST will be the primary method of communication between me and Board staff regarding my application. I further understand that my LIST account contains a message center where I will receive messages from Board staff, as well as a tab that provides detailed explanations of items needed to process my application.

I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that it is my responsibility to check my account frequently for new messages, and the status of items required to complete my application.

I UNDERSTAND that the high volume of calls and mail received by the Board may affect the time it takes TMB staff to record receipt of an item in LIST, or once recorded, for a Licensure Analyst to review an item.

I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that my use of LIST is at my sole risk. I further understand that LIST is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

I UNDERSTAND that TMB will make every effort to meet the following goals, however, I further understand that TMB and its officers, employees, and agents make no warranty that:
  1. LIST will meet applicant’s requirements;
  2. LIST will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free;
  3. the results that may be obtained from the use of LIST will be accurate or reliable;
  4. the quality of any services, information or other material obtained through LIST will meet applicant’s expectations; and,
  5. any errors in the software will be corrected.